Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Making a Home

All of my current projects have been to attempt making my apartment look less like a college dorm room :P. I've been doing projects like painting (I'm not all too artistic, so this was a daring task for me) and my next project is sewing curtains. Pinterest is a glorious place when you're looking for some home DIY projects, let me tell you. The painting project that I attempted can be found here on the REFINERY29 blog. They give a list of all the materials needed, and show step by step how to undertake this project. Here is my result for my living room:

 I wasn't so sure about it when I was done, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. It's certainly not perfect, but it'll do. And since it took about 2 hours to put all the painters tape on, I definitely will not be scratching it!

I found another simple idea for a painting on Pinterest that I decided to use for my bathroom. It was only a picture I found, but all you have to do is use painters tape to make a couple X's on a canvas. Then just paint around the tape, let it dry and pull the tape off. Voila! You get this:

My next project is to make some curtains for my living room. I found this fantastic fabric at Joann Fabrics by Patty Young:

I'm trying to keep the color scheme in my living room to blues and oranges (though I just realized that according to Joann's website, they say this fabric has red flowers; apparently I'm color blind, I could have sworn that they were a bright orange, whoops).

In other news, I forgot to mention that I bought a new sewing machine!!! I love love *love* it! It's a Janome DC5100. I purchased mine off of Amazon where my link goes to; being a prime member, free shipping is a wonderful perk.

I have a friend that is getting married in a couple weeks! I was honored to be invited to her bridal shower and with my new sewing machine, I was able to make these for her:

Pot holders are always a useful gift, and personalize them and they become even better :). I'm looking forward to being a part of their special day in just a little over a week!

And for my final thought, I'm going shopping for a wedding dress tomorrow!!!!!! I'm so excited!! Wish me luck! :)