About Me

From a young age I have always loved making things with my own two hands. The feeling of someone complementing something you’re wearing, and you get to respond with, “Thank you, I made it myself!” is wonderful. In the beginning it was jewelry and knitting then merged into crochet and smaller sewing projects. 
I’m only 5’ tall and a tad on the stocky side, so if you have this vertically challenged problem as well, you’ll understand the issue of finding pants short enough for you. Therefore, from a young age, my mom taught me the basics of how to use a sewing machine to sew a straight line so that I could hem my own pants and she sent me on my way. I’m pretty sure at the start I may have worn some whopper jawed pants, but it’s since gotten better with practice.
In 2013 I then delved into the world of quilting. I had an awesome supervisor that showed me the ropes of quilting and introduced me to the rotary cutter, my lines have never been straighter! It's truly an amazing tool!
I live in SE Ohio in a town you've probably never heard of. I'm addicted to coffee (the yummy "special" blends that include espresso-DECAF now!) and I own the cutest dog you could ever lay eyes on (whom is also addicted to coffee, I have no idea where she picked up the bad habit). This is me "Becoming Ms. Suzy Homemaker".

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