Monday, October 14, 2013

New Etsy Shop! SeamsStraight

If you haven't heard of the website Etsy, you need to check it out pronto! It is an awesome site with all handmade or vintage items. Pretty much anything you could think of is on this website, and handmade ;). It's a great website for crafters to start selling their items, and that is exactly what I have done! I opened my own shop, called SeamsStraight, on Etsy! In my shop you'll find handmade jewelry and sewn treasures. I only have a few items in my shop so far, but plan to keep on building and expanding as interest grows :). I'm so excited to have my own little shop and be able to share my crafting joy with a wider audience.

These are the items that you can find in my SeamsStraight shop right now:

If you have any suggestions, or items that you would like to see in my shop, leave me a message or send me an email!

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Your very own tool to sell what you've made! That's pretty exciting and yet another new addition to this blog of yours. I wish you the best of luck Suzy. In just a few short months you've learned and shared a lot with us and I can't wait to see where you are in the near future! Good luck! Keep spreading the word!
